He gave away his entire fortune to an old friend's daughter, and expected nothing in return.
It should not be possible for us to enjoy them without giving something in return.
In such a case, you can always ask a question in return.
I gave a bunch of roses to her in return for her hospitality.
I will show you around in return.
A present is usually given in return for one's hospitality.
I gave her a present in return for her kindness.
I gave her a doll in return.
Give her some flowers in return for her kindness.
He gave me this in return.
You can always ask a question in return.
I took him out to dinner in return for his help.
She sent me a present in return for my advice.
But in return they get a clear look at important games, and if they miss something, they can always rely on the commentator's description or the instant replay.
In return for helping you with your studies, I'd like to ask a small favor of you.